Marie Forleo/Rick Hanson: How to Build Unshakeable Inner Strength Using Neuroscience
This video and research really resonated with me today, and I hope you also find it useful! I enjoy the content of many of Marie Forleo‘s videos – particularly her interviews. This one features Rick Hanson, a psychologist specializing in neuroplasticity and Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. I first learned of the GGSC in 2015 and have benefitted greatly from their research and public content. In 2016, I took their (free!) Science of Happiness course and would highly recommend it, particularly if you’re interested in positive psychology and/or looking for ways to live a more fulfilled life.
Let It Go ~ Yoga with Adriene
This practice was just what I needed today! I thought I’d share it in case it’s what you need, too 🙂 Yoga has become a vital part of my wellness routine over the last several years. During this time of life transitions, one of the challenges has been finding a new yoga home each time I’ve moved (6 major moves in just over 4 years) – a place where I love the people, classes – and also prices. I relocated to NYC for graduate school last August (2018) – and between time and financial constraints, I haven’t yet tried out studios here. Last semester, my yoga practice had dwindled to…
Save your voice: a singer’s four favorite stay-healthy tips and tricks
Now that winter is here in a big way – this is my first “real” winter in 14 years! – I thought I’d share a few of my favorite things to help prevent/combat colds and keep my voice feeling good. You already know that sleeping, hot baths, resting your voice, and drinking LOTS of hot tea and water help, but have you ever tried: 1. Apple cider vinegar I usually drink a small shot of it in the mornings (usually mixed with lukewarm water) – it’s amazing at getting rid of phlegm, which otherwise can take a while to jiggle off of my vocal folds in the mornings… Don’t drink it…